Saturday, April 30, 2011


Alhamdulillah semalam dapat bersama2 ikhwah2 ipt johor yg sedang bercuti kami dihidangkan dengan pengisian tentang 'dunia itu leper' dan kaitan dgn amanat oleh Hassan al-banna kepada mahasiswa. Byk yg dapat diperlajari dan ditimba antara yang utama adalah betapa hebat HAB melihat isu2/masalah umat islam pd masakini yg cuba di alertkn oleh beliau pada zamannya. betapa kedepannya pemikiran dan visi HAB dalam melihat masalah ummat dan mencari the best solution utk problem2 tersebut. dan pakcik smlm memberi lagu ini iaitu 'dream with me' dendangan Hamza Namira dari egypt. Ya allah sgt taching dan mendalam maknanya..Ayuh bermimpi kepada sesuatu yg positif!!! demi masa depan islam yg gemilang....berikut adalah lirik dalam english (lagu dlm arab)
Dream with Me
Hamza Namira

Dream with me,
Of a tomorrow that’s coming,
And if it doesn’t come,
We’ll bring it ourselves.
We’ll stride upon this path,
Our many footsteps will lead us to our dream.

Dream with me,
Of a tomorrow that’s coming,
And if it doesn’t come,
We’ll bring it ourselves.
We’ll stride upon this path,
Our many footsteps will lead us to our dream.

No matter how many times we fall,
We’ll be able to rise again,
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds,
We’ll find our night transformed into a thousand days,
Only if we dream.

No matter how many times we fall,
We’ll be able to rise again,
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds,
We’ll find our night transformed into a thousand days,
Only if we dream.

Dream with me my friend,
Our footsteps will shorten the distance
I care about my innocent dream
Whatever it may be
It will stand beside us
No matter how long our journey becomes
Even if we become lost, my friend,
Our reunion will rally us toward our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream.

Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Only if we dream.

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